Tuesday 7 February 2012

Burnouts and Sov

So I have burnt myself out again, it happens atleast once a year and its not just EVE its gaming in all general, I suppose its just the fact I do play games alot and most of the time I am playing solo which leaves me getting bored of things. I will get back and start playing EVE again in few weeks after I've relaxed and listened to a few more podcasts and listened to Eve-Radio untill I get soo itchy to log in I'll just log in and spend a couple hours mining as I always do. As Rand knows it happens and I'll be back. The characters have got long skills on like Minmitar carrier 5 so its all good untill I get back and play more. So this blog in terms of what I have done is going to be short and the posts as always will be sporadic as any previous readers of this blog will know (dont think there is any).

So in other news any people who like Verites influence maps and would like to see them in motion, I have put together the maps all the way back to August 2007, in both monthly and yearly views in animated sequences. These can be seen in this link. These will be updated monthly.

Thats going to wrap it up for today as I dont know much more to add.