Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Fanfest and all the complaints

So I've been reading through General Discussion as usual, its what I do each morning. And the amount of people who have started complaining about what the Mitanni said in the Alliance Panel, which I did watch live on EVE TV, is staggering. There was one thread posted vaguely about it before the results for the CSM were posted and this I can accept some people would be bum hurt from it. However as the majority of the new threads were only posted AFTER the Mitanni was back in the chairman seat shows that the idiotic calls for his resignation about this is only for people to pull him out the seat.
Now I am not a Goon and have no intention to ever be one, however I do believe they are a very integral part of this game and their history goes back almost as far as the game does. What he said may have been wrong but everyone says wrong things while drunk. The Mitanni has publicly apologised and this I accept as being enough, there is no need to pull him off the seat as what he has done for the CSM helped this game no end.
Also another thing with these threads and many like them when people start raging, they always put that the community is not happy with this and that is completely wrong, SOME of the community is not happy with this and wants his resignation, SOME not all and this I feel everyone should get into their heads, just because some people do not post on the forums or some people do not express their intents does not mean they agree with you.

So that's my rant as I do get very annoyed with people like this and I believe this blog will be a mix of some of my PVP experiences and also my ranting as some of the community for being douches.

Thursday, 8 March 2012

Unusual Occurances

So yesterday something very peculier happened. I went on a low sec roam and killed something. Now if you have read this blog before or know me ingame then you would know that I am a massive carebear. In the three years I have been playing EVE, I have only got into 4 fights before hand. Although the third time was against a noob ship. I have got to say it was exilerating specially when the so called battle hardened vet of pvp Randunip, started flapping when the guy landed. Anyway onto the report.

So Rand logged on EVE which at the current state is a rare occurance. We started chatting, but then decided to jump on TS as Rand wanted to know more about the newest dev blogs. Later he simply stated, im bored do you want to go on a cruiser roam. Now normally I would have said no but after mining and programming all day I really needed a change. So 20 minutes later and too many vulcan autocannons bought we were sat in Ordion. With the first thing on the agenda to rescue Rands Domi located 5 jumps in low sec after a botched wormhole expedition. We made the jumps and all we saw was a cyno on the way in and no cyno on the way out. This was it. So Rand got back into his cruiser and we go back into low this time actively looking for a kill. We make it back to the system the Domi was in and still nothing. We jump into the next system and theres someone in local. We decided to have a crack and see if we could locate him with D-scan. We managed to see the guy who was also in a Arbitrator a few times before Rand stated "I think hes going for the gate, you go check and I'll go the the planet." So off I go to the gate. As I land the guy jumps out into the next system. So after we go. Now after 10 minutes of trying to scan him and ending up believing he was in a safe spot. We were sat at the sun about to warp off. And low and behold what happens. The guy warps in ontop of us. Now I am no pvper but I started getting abit jumpy but remembered to stay calm or die. I carmly locked the guy put a scram on and started the autocannons. Now while I am doing this the "Seasoned pro" Rand was flustering and shouting down comms "there he is there he is". While also activating and then subsequently deactiving half his modules out of excitment. Well at this point the arby had activated his neuts and was trying to neut me. I was in a stabber so my guns kept firing. Before my cap was sucked dry and I lost scram, Rand finally came to his senses and scram and webbed him too and activated his neuts subsequently draining the guys cap. A few second later. BOOM. The guys down and I have a great day. Gf was said in local and Rand and I warped off to safe spots to wait out the counters.
After that we just jumped back to highsec and docked for the night.

All in all I have to say I see why people enjoy pvping, and I hope to be doing some more soon.