Wednesday, 30 May 2012

Thinking about eve and the Community

So at the current moment I am down to one account and that is because I haven't plexed them this month. Now this isn't because of anything CCP has done in fact 4 of the accounts ran out even before Inferno was released. The reason my accounts have run out is that I have simply no time to be on and get the 3.5 bill each month to keep the accounts alive. I was having to spend 10 hours a day minimum mining to keep the accounts open and with exams coming up that cant happen. I may be returning after the exams but I have yet to decide. This is the first time in nearly 3 years that my accounts have lapsed and it feels weird. True I wouldn't be playing at the current moment anyway due to the fact that my main pc is dead after the hard drive fried itself, so my accounts would probally have lapsed anyway.
Ive got to say even with my accounts lapsed and at the current moment not a certain of me returning, I still read the forums, evenews 24, twitter (where half of the people I follow has something to do with eve) and still listening to the podcasts and this I see is a great thing of this community that even after I stop playing the game I still follow much of the community.

Ive got to say that there are things pulling me away from starting eve again after the exams, ive spent countless hours playing this game and countless pounds before I started plexing the accounts. I enjoy mining and have tried to play other types of gameplay in eve and have simply not enjoyed it. Though I would love to move back to null if I was to come back to eve, the main problem I have is isk and buying plexs, I need to make the isk each month to be able to pay for the accounts and moving and setting up in null takes time and this is time I'm not making isk so the accounts get tight, and also if I was mining in null I would need to transport minerals to high sec and currently I have no way of doing this which is a major problem for me too. If I was to finally move to null I think I would like to have 2-3 months worth of game time sat on each account so that I can have a buffer for the accounts when I move I can have abit of time to set up and get comfy in null before my account time starts getting scarce.

I have still one of my spare pcs that can run eve and that I used to log on the last remaining account I have and was able to use the new unified inventory and ive got to say its nothing near as bad as people on the forums are saying. Many people on the forums have said its the worst thing since Incarna (which I personally liked but needed more). People have been asking for it to be reverted and in my eyes this would be the worst thing ccp could do. The reason for this unified inventory change was to fix up old code which needed changing and this is important. A rollback is not a good idea even is a minority of the community doesnt like it this needed to happen and has happen so people need to HTFU.

Ive also seen recently this thread which shows the goons are extending hulkageddon indefinitely. Now for me who has mined for the majority of 3 years and has always mined throughout hulkageddon I don't find this as a problem but for the people who whine about this somethings wrong, the problem is that eve is dangerous and people can get blown up anywhere. At least now people don't have to worry about meta-gaming as hulkageddon is happening all the time.

Right that puts the end of today's ramblings. It may be abit hard to read as I'm sat here on my laptop listening to Lost in EVE, so Ive got to say I'm kinda distracted. All this post is about is I wanted to get some things off my chest

Wednesday, 2 May 2012

New fictions and old Friends

I'm still going strong and finally have my mining fleet set up, Well almost. Just got to buy 2 more hulks and it will be complete,

Soo Rand asked me the other day whether I wanted to do a colab sort of thing with him on a fan-fiction.
With him writing one post with me replying to that post from a different perspective, and I agreed, OK its all on his blog but that's fine with me, don't get many hits on this anyway and its just full of ramblings.

Will probally do one around the new inferno and I will catch up on escalation at the same time.

Well may as well add the link to Rands blog where my reply was just added.