Friday, 21 October 2016

4 Years, 3 Months and 7 Days

4 Years, 3 Months and 7 Days that is how long it has been since I last posted on here and geeze has a lot of things happened. I have managed to change corps 7 times moving to the drone lands to highsec back to the drone lands. Spending 3 months unsubbed due to real life and then finally moving into the Imperium into Echelon Research (ECHRE) which was at the time part of SpaceMonkeys Alliance (SMA).

 Now being part of the CFC as it was still called at the time was a nice refresh from back when I was part of the Northern Coalition (not the alliance), the fact things were run at a coalition level really well was fun. Now I have never enjoyed anything much else apart from mining, and 7 years of it I think I know it now. Being a miner as part of null sec alliance before the new sov mechanics was a hard job. People did not want you around and just made you feel like you are leaching off them (which in some aspects you are). But with the new sov mechanics more people want you around to get those ADM's up. But the CFC was still fun to be in. With the downfall of the Imperium, I stayed with my corp when we moved with SMA to the outer ring. As a miner the Outer ring had some significance to me as it is the home of Outer Ring Excavations (ORE) a NPC corporation was pretty fun for the few weeks we stuck it out. However NPC null for an alliance who have been used to full sov null for years is pretty much a death stroke.

 After leaving SMA we as a corp had a few options but we chose to go to Volition Cult (.VC.). .VC. at the time was Not Red Dont Shoot (NRDS) which is a difficult stance to stand in null sov space at the moment. This was a culture shock for our corp, not just for the fact that neutrals in local is not a bad thing but also for the fact of how laid back the alliance is for participation. For me changing to NRDS was really difficult. I have almost typed into intel channels when doing a Jita run before as I have hit high sec, it took a week or two but I go used to this. The biggest change to us as a corp was the lack of IT services. Now as one of the main guys for our corps IT backend I know how difficult it is to just get things working but .VC. had nothing. We were expecting API checks forums and API tracked out of game services, nothing of this. We just got over this and moved into Catch.

The straw that finally broke the camels back was the giving up of the constellation JZV-O6. Now this constellation had been given to VOLT from I N F A M O U S after they had closed their doors due to internet struggles. With Goonswarm Federation (CONDI) moving into Delve certain alliances were displaced, one of these alliances were League of Unaligned Master Pilots (LUMPY). Now .VC. fought well with LUMPY holding their ground and never loosing a system. But one day a directors meeting was called now as a director of ECHRE I was part of this meeting, we were told that we were giving up JZV-O6 to LUMPY, thus surrendering. Much arguments happened within this meeting, however while this was happening the directors of ECHRE were talking, we had decided to move on and look for a new home.
(Please note other things were happening with the alliance which I am not going to go into detail here)

Searching for a new home was not the easiest thing as this would have make it our third region move in less then a year. We had to make sure our next month was right for us. We started putting out feelers to alliance diplos looking for our new home. Now after years of playing and with the corp being almost 4 years old at this point many contacts and friends are made along the way. We started to talk to some of these who had joined CONDI. Now for all the people out there that are "Grr Goons" there are some great guys in Goons. One such corp is Minion Revolution (MINI3). Now MINI3 we knew from back in the SMA days so we knew they were cool guys and we could get along with them. Talks were had and we got the nod that we could join CONDI.
Now this for me was amazing news. I have always kinda admired CONDI for an alliance even if some of what they do sucks. But I was happy as this could very well be the perfect place for ECHRE.  Along with this week the Rorqual changes were announced and not long after the Engineering Complexes were also announced, both of which I will talk about in later posts.

So today finds me in Delve with CONDI and I couldn't be happier.
I started typing this up 2 days ago after talking to a long term EVE friend Randunip (who I forgot to mention I got to join ECHRE a few months ago now). With it being so long I typed a bit out and then deleted it two or three times now, eventually just getting to the point I will just spew onto the keyboard and see how it comes out.
Lets see if my next post is a lot sooner then 4 Years, 3 Months and 7 Days eh :).
Fly safe and target those Roids.