Tuesday, 2 August 2011

EVE Vegas

So been listening to the coverage of eve Vegas on eve-radio, and I’ve got to say that its positive stuff. Now as I am posting this I am still on the Saturday coverage and haven’t yet got to anything on Sunday but what I’ve got to say is that its positive. The fact that their saying that they will be balancing a large thing and some small things is going to be a big highlight for each patch. Now the big balance that is coming in the winter expansion is going to be the balancing of capital ships and super-capitals. Now as someone who has lived in null sec and is soon to be moving back into null sec, this is going to be a great balance. I am a carrier pilot myself, ok it is a Nidhoggur so I am the medic of the medic's I love the aesthetics of the Nidhoggur and wouldn’t want any other carrier and my main carrier. Now I would love to get into a Hel, and yes it is the worst of the Super carrier's, however it is in my eyes one of the most beautiful super carriers of the lot bar maybe the Nyx. I can fly a Hel and my Nidhoggur pilot is almost perfect in terms of a carrier pilot all I am missing is the 15 - 20 billion ISK I require to buy one. But now that I'm moving to null and in 4 days’ time I will have Capital Ships Construction 4 finished, I should be able to get myself some time with a Capital Ships Assembly Array and see if I can produce me a rusty old Hel.
Anyway back to EVE Vegas and the balancing, so this winter expansion we will have the capital ships balance, but for next year’s summer release it has been said that we will be getting a Gallente weapons rebalance. Now this also personally affects me as a Gallente player since I started eve over 2 years ago now I have always seen and heard how bad hybrids are in terms of damage, range, tracking etc. etc. However I have always stuck with Gallente ships so training tech 2 weapons was kind of a no brainer, I really only use the turrets to complement my drones, as when I’m missioning/ratting I will use my awesome space potato (the Dominix) which the main armament is the drones means that the turrets are really only there to complement them. So with the balancing of hybrids this time next year I am really looking forward to as my Kronos will become even more awesome, and the adequately nicknamed Assault Battleship (the Vindicator) will become an amazing ship to fly in both PvP and PvE.
In other words I am already loving what I have heard from EVE Vegas and I will post another blog or two if I do hear anything else that I believe would be good to type about.

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